terça-feira, 15 de maio de 2012


Let’s share our learning experiences … Let us know what do you do to improve your Language skills

  • Do you like to study English? Why?

  • In your opinion, is it important to study English at school? Tell us about it.

  • If taking English Classes at school wasn’t required, would you like to apply for them? Could you explain why? How long have you been studying English?

  • What do you do to improve your English skills, beyond attending the classes?

  • What source do you use to study English? Do you use new technologies? Why ? Why not? Explain it, please.

  • How do you study? By yourself? In groups? With the teacher? Do you need somebody else to help you out?

Write a short text telling us what do you do to improve your English. Be honest with yourself!!!!

57 comentários:

  1. Interview about my short story with the Language Inguesa

    There are almost twelve years I attend regular school. And then, I have been studying English classes since 5° grade.
    unfortunately, I am not well succeed, maybe I should make more effort by my own, but the reasons why I didn`t learn too much was reduced classes and unmotivated teachers I ever had.
    Today the only thing that makes me closer to English is the google translator because I can not understand any kind of structure of words, or sentences and texts. Sometimes I understand few words inside the context.

    By: Tulio Alves Santana

  2. My name is Stéfani, I'm in the last year of high school and have classes in English since the fifth grade of elementary school, usually one class per week. I do not like English because it is a very complicated language and the classes I had until today did not help me, perhaps because it is impossible to learn in fifty minutes per week. The only alternative for those who want to speak English is frequent private lessons and have an interest in learning, because the English in school pulblic is just more one subject in grade school.

  3. English in Our Lives

    I had the first contact with the English discipline when it was studying in the 6th grade in the Public school Antônio Carlos. My domain of this content is still quite weak, but I am trying improving accomplishing several activities and translating some texts in the dictionary and in translating Google.
    I believe that English is absolutely essential for our future lives, mainly because the labor market requires a knowledge of this, because unfortunately we are in a country that is not yet well developed, but with the improvement and dedication to learn the foreign languages will be already one greater step than we will be giving heading for a promising future.

    By: Miriane Batista

  4. Very good, dear students!!!! keep doing that...

  5. I am thais silva ramos, I was seventeen years . Of farm the octave series studied the english, mas not learned nothing. The my teacher of scool that I, I the basic education, more missing of, that gave class, when it gave class, passed video clips or movies. Today I on third year teaching medium and phallus not know nothing of Inglish. Today I did not study for tests, I have no interest more possibilities.Logico I wanted at least enteder Inglês.

  6. My name is Diuly, I’ve been studying English only in a regular school since 4th grade. I never took an English course.
    I have great difficulty in English, but try to meet this difficulty doing homework, duties, translating the word of which I am sure and pay attention in class. One thing that helps me a lot in English classes is that the teacher to mime while speaking in English, as well join the mimic speech in English and can understand the meaning of the word in Portuguese, but I have great difficulty remembering some English words and some rules of English.
    Another factor that made ​​it very difficult for my learning English was the fact that from 5th to 8th grades of a regular school the only thing that the teacher "taught" was the verb to be, phrase affirmative, interrogative and negative and high school year only have an English class a week, I think impossible to learn English with only 50 minutes of class.

  7. My name is Gustavo and I'll be telling a brief story about my relationship with the English language ...
    Honestly I have difficulties in learning the English language but it would be good to learn a foreign language! Especially because today and very important to master more than one language especially English and schools usually have this matter in the curriculum.
    I find it easy to learn English with reading vocabularies, and the continuous use of words and usually when I am not aware of the meaning of the word I choose to have custom translators and also to study on their own when necessary.

  8. I live with the English since the 5th grade of elementary education in school is a language which at first interested me enough and I found it easy to learn but when I went to high school I began to have several difficulties with the language that got me discouraging long and made ​​my schoolwork caisse think my interest came back after realizing that if I dedicate a lot to learn I can go back and deal with the language in addition to interesting today becomes essential.

  9. I am Liliane, I am 16 years old.
    I like very much studying English, because I think it is very interesting. In my opinion, it is important to study English at school, because this way, everybody has opportunity to learn a new language. I study English since I entered on school. For many time I studied the basic English, but, when I was 13, my mother put me on a English Course. I haven't finished my English course yet.
    I love listening music and watching movies. I try to think in English. Although it is very difficult, I try because I think it is very important. I put music on my cellular and I listen always that I can. I like seeing sites that teaches the English, I have fun when I read that.

  10. Hello everyone! My name is Tomás, I'm seventeen years and I'm in the third year of high school. From my ten years I do an English course, but I'm still two years because of several problems. I like to study english, because i know that i'll need it in my future and I think it is very interesting. So, now, to improve my english habilities I listen music, read some notices and articles about things that interest me, and see some series and movies. I prefer to study by myself, is easier for me. I think that learn english is essential nowadays, because for everywhere you look there is it.

  11. Hello, dear Sheilla !
    I am Raquel Sousa, I try to learn English through song lyrics and movies, reading subtitles and translations of the songs. I doing the exercises in the classroon is also helpfull. I studing English only ats school, I never attended class a in the free courses.

  12. I am not good in learning English Language, but nowadays English is essential for good performance in many jobs. I listen to music and translators, I try to have greater interaction with English language. In the exercises in the classroom is also possible to record several tips. My teacher does not like to speak Portuguese in the classroom, then we must pay close attention to follow the lesson.

  13. Heloo Sheila,
    My name is Fabian, I'm three years in high school and I'm here to tell you how I interact with the English language.
    I love English since I was child, my mother always put the movies with subtitles in Portuguese I listen to songs in English.
    my teacher is competent profissional and intelligent. and to end when I'm with a text in English I always consuto the dictionary translator.

  14. I'm not very familiar with English, so I try to learn more in the classroom, because out of school I don't have much practice to study English.
    The biggest contact I have with English is through music, but in the classroom is full attention, and through the questions that are too frequently seek to create greater interaction with the teacher. And in this way, I will trying, and perhaps one day you will see me singing international songs.

  15. My opnion about English is a kind of tricky because I do not understand anything, because I did not have English class in my elementary school, one of the reasons I do not blame my teacher, I try to get familiar with the English listening to music, watching movies with some legend (subtitle).

  16. Hello, my name is Amanda Santana,

    I always had an affinity with ease and English. But throughout my school life, the Englishman has always left to be desired. Aware of the importance of a second language in the curriculum, then sought an alternative, a course in English beyond the school.
    This helps me a lot in high school does not currently have great difficulty in school activities. And I confess that I did not study for exams, do all the activities, but the ratings do not feel the need to study.
    In the course of English, listening to music student doing the exercises and not missing classes. Today the practice to not lose, watch TV shows in English, and movies with subtitles in English whenever and are thus always in contact with the language.

  17. My name is Felipe. English is not my favorite language, but I think it is very important because of its importance in professional world. I started to study English in the fifth year grade class and I had notice that made the difference to understand world around me. I learn English playing video game and reading texts on the Internet too. I usually use the computer to do it because it is more fast and efficient than other tools.

  18. Hello, my name is Pedro Caldas.

    I had my first contact with English since very small. I started making English the course of seven years, and since then not stopped at all the importance it have science on my resume.
    I think in school, the English have left to be desired, especially in the auditory question, not used much listening to music, watch movies with Portuguese subtitles and English audio, I feel that this lack.
    I confess that at school, study for exams, do everything that is requested, but not dedicate a specific time to study for the English school.
    To be honest, oq u know English today, due to which my father took the initiative to put me on the course.
    I hope to change this reality, after all not everyone has the alternative of paying an english course, as I had.

  19. Hi my name is Raiene Thaila. My historical with the English language has never been very agravadel. Although I like much of the language, find it very interesting to know that is very important for training more qualified. My first contact with the English language was in elementary school in 5th grade in a public school. I always had a lot dificudade in learning the language. But when I got in high school got to get a more easily in the language it is very good for my education and my future.

  20. My name is Sammer Rodrigues, I'm seventeen years old and I am in the third grade of high school. I have studied English subject since the age of ten, my problem is that I haven't had an improved study of that language is essential in the present day. The English are taking strength every day, constantly, along with computers and the internet so are in full force ... The use of a language as known is of great value to obtain the communication nowadays, which facilitates up to wave for a job. In this globalized world who don't know speak English therefore stays out, so I indicate everybody to start study that language so fascinating from an early age, to integrate the new world, called globalization.

  21. My name is Morgana Marinho Timóteo, I study at the Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro Campus Paracatu, and my teacher is Sheilla. My strategies to improve English are: listening to music, playing games and doing proposed exercises. I don’t like to watch movies with subtitle.
    Sometimes not me matter much with English, I think that is just plus a matter common, plus I understand the importance for the vestibular exam.

  22. Hello, my name is Pedro Caldas.

    I had my first contact with English since very small. I started making English the course of seven years, and since then not stopped at all the importance it have science on my resume.
    I think in school, the English have left to be desired, especially in the auditory question, not used much listening to music, watch movies with Portuguese subtitles and English audio, I feel that this lack.
    I confess that at school, study for exams, do everything that is requested, but not dedicate a specific time to study for the English school.
    To be honest, oq u know English today, due to which my father took the initiative to put me on the course.
    I hope to change this reality, after all not everyone has the alternative of paying an english course, as I had.

  23. My name is Fábio, I’ve been studying at IFTM cousing the 3rd grade of high school. I have being studying English language since 5th grade of a regular school.  My grades were good, but I never deepened in the study of the language. I try the possible to learn English. Once a while I see some films in English,  I listen some music in English and some day I intend to apply for an English course. I think English will be very important for my life professional.

  24. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  25. My name is Maicon Abrantes da Silva, I study English for seven years, but so far I only know a few words I know I could do more but I am not without much encouragement to learn the English language, I think it is because of my early teachers who weren’t worried about students. Outside of English lessons I try to improve my English by watching English movies with subtitles, listen to songs in English and always seek the meaning of same, I honestly just do this to improve my English but still am not very successful, in my opinion, the Government should extend over the teaching of a language which today is so important to the world.

  26. I'm Brenda Karollyne, I'm 17 years old and live in Paracatu.
    My story with English is so easy. When I was a child, I sang music in English from CDs and music on T.V.
    It's so easy for me learning English , I never studied in a free course, but I understand more words in that language, and it's so funny to me. I do not know to write in English , but I intend to learn in the future.

  27. I Love english classes because my teacher is very smart, beautiful and easily communicate in english with us. Also I like the subject because I know it will be very importante for my future. English language will help me to get a good job. At beginning I did not learn a lot only whit the regular classes that is why I signal up to classes at the fur course. This help ut me so much. I have classes a child at regular school.

    By. Anne Neiva

  28. Hello, my name is Maycon Pereira Roquete. Actually I do not really like English, but nowadays it is indispensable, it is present in all places because it is a universal language.
    What I like most of the songs are international, and specifically in English. But I have enough trouble getting to understand them.
    The English taught in schools is important for students to have a familiarity with the language when they are acting in the labor market, but I think they should teach music in schools, I think they should have teachers who teach students to play a musical instrument.
    I started studying English in schools in the 5th grade of elementary school, and I always try to look at the translations of songs and also try to understand the lyrics when I'm listening. At home I studied when I was usually near the assessments, but I'm creating the habit of studying after school to secure learning.
    Most of the time that English study is the textbook that the school offers and the Internet, because the content of the textbooks have usually been explained by the teacher and the internet is very easy and quick to find what you need.
    I study alone at home, and sometimes at lunch in school with some friends who also have lunch at school I try to pay attention in English class because it helps a lot to study for assessments.

  29. Hello! Guys.
    My name is Caio César Oliveira Rabelo I am 17 years old and I study in IFTM (in Paracatu), I study English since basic education.
    It’s nice learn about other language and culture, but the grammar is so boring.
    In my opinion the most important activity for a better English is read about a subject of your interest, in my case I read tutorials, “how to’s” and articles, and speak what was been learned, all in English, of course!
    Other way to improve my English and fun is watch movies and TV shows in English which subtitles, in this activity I can improve my listen skill, but this activity is not so efficient as read and talk.
    Some activities of my routine also improve my English vocabulary, Example:
    I am a student of electronic, and to know about electronic component I have to download a text document called “data sheet” and read, in this document all information is in English. Other example is the electronics games, must them are in English.
    In my opinion the importance of others languages is in share information which the world for our evolution.

    P.S: I don’t make any homework (this explain the bad grammar), sorry. XD

  30. Hello! My name is Anne; I’m in 3º grade of high school. I began the study English in the 6th year in school, with only one class per week.

    I Always had great difficulty in the matter, I never studied much!

  31. I always try to learn English, although it is very difficult because it is easier to learn a language not their origin. The English language is complicated to learn, because it has many specific rules on how to write the words. I always try to memorize words, how to write and translate them. See film with subtitles in English or even listen to songs in English also helps.

  32. I do not study English outside the classroom. During the lessons I try to ask questions and do some activities, and this attitudes help me to develop a little English.

  33. Since 5th grade I’ve been studying English, but always It was some matter superficial.
    In the primary school l learned the number, name of fruits, greetings, verb to be, times and how to transform phrase affirmatives into interrogative and negative.
    Until the ninth grade English wasn’t difficult and I had always good scores.
    But at the high school, English classes changed so much, and in a short time my scores decreased .
    I study English using Google, books and talk with friends about the matter. I study English about one hour per week
    The primary school from nation still is much weak and English little teach.
    By.: Ana Caroline

  34. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  35. My name is Carlos Henrique Mendes dos Santos, and I live in Paracatu study in IFTM Campus Paracatu and I'm not a big fan of English, because I have great difficulty in learning, but it is still important to my life.
    And it is very important to study English at school because it is starting a line of study where we learn an introduction to the language and who had served for you to have a better recognition in the labor market.
    I'm not much of studying English at home, do the tasks of English when asked, but I watch many movies subtitled hear a lot of international music and play video games with it acquire too many words.
    I usually do these activities in groups because some friends always understand a little English so they help with the words you do not understand, sometimes I like to do these activities to be in a group and because many acquire knowledge about language.

  36. I’m Filipe Galvão, I am 17 years, and I live in Paracatu and study at IFTM. I started to study English in the 5th grade of a regular school in 2006. I wasn’t interested in English classes.
    When I started to study at IFTM, I realized the importance of English, although I do not study enough, because I do not know how to study this discipline.
    I consider English language very important in the world that we have being living, and it is essential to our survival, however I know just a little about this language and I do not study, I know I'm wrong and will harm me in the future.

  37. I'm Matheus Renato,I'm 16 years old, and then, I have been studying at IFTM. I have studied
    English since 2006, my teacher didn't try to help students who had difficulties and struggled, so I have difficulty

    today in English, and I don't like English because of that. I try to do my best in English classes, I know I could

    do more but I am not without much encouragement to learn the English language. I know that nowadays English is

    essential for good performance in many jobs, this is why i try to improve.

  38. I am Pablo Angelus, I'm 17 years old, I am on the third year of high school, I began to have English classes in 5 series, during the entire elementary school I didn't learn English, because I didn't have interest.

    The basis that I received in the elementary school was not very good, and I did not triy learn, I didn't have curiosity studying the materials in my house.

    I did not learn English, because I do not have the interest of studying at home, and don't pay much attention to what is given in the classroom.

    When I get home, I do not study the past content in the classroom, only study on the eve of proof and then forget, and I don't do the exercises.

  39. My name is Gustavo Albernaz, I'm 17 years old and I'm attending the third year of high school. I do not like the study  English because the difficulty I have to learn discipline it , which most of them are caused by do not understanding the subject and understand what is being spent in the classroom. These difficulties in learning is due to the fact that in my school my teachers offered me a support capable of provoking in me a sufficient learning or at least an interest in language study.
         In my school, the discipline was taught by professionals who pretended that gave irresponsible school students and we pretended we were learning. In many classes students were delivered us lyrics that even I knew what was really talking, and then put the music to play and had to accompany singing in English.
         I spent  from fifth to eighth grade studied almost exclusively "verb to be" and in a very repetitive, and without at least learn the truth. Now, when I got to school I came across a totally different style of studying the English, studying the structure of language, and many other matters and seeing that knew almost nothing about the subject, and only getting recovery I panicked .
         I am a very visual learner, or have to be reading all the time so I can learn, and their classes are not very visual leaving me often lost in what you are talking about. I suggest that she  use less the book because the content is very strange and in my opinion is not good, and spend more to use the dynamics  even in their classes so that they become more interesting. I do not study at home, do not do the book because the activities are very difficult, but I always try to read and understand texts in English whenever I have time, at least once a week. Because they have no affinity with the discipline does not get along well.

  40. Hi my name is Gledeson Cardoso sometimes I like to study English sometimes I do not, but I guess it very interesting, if sometimes I do not like to be that the times have difficulty in learning, but the language is important for day to day and the curriculum.

    Learning English in school is important, because one of the best opportunities to learn English is studying in school, because you can form groups and have the teacher to take questions.

    I started studying English at the beginning seven years ago I found very interesting because I was speaking another language and I saw that speak that language would be important to me.

    I love playing video games, for the times you need to understand that part to pass to the next stage, sometimes I should have more attention and care to understand, listen to music too, when the music caught my attention I look for the translation.

    We worry (find???) too much information in books, internet, use of new technologies can help because it facilitates and helps the understanding of language and so you increased your knowledge.

    We should study the way in which we feel good and I learned more particularly need someone to study with me, because I can not learn many things alone and group work helps you listen because there many different ideas, and increases the number of words you know.

  41. I’m Rafaela Monteiro, I’m 17 years old, I live in Paracatu-MG and I study at Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro.
    I always studied in public school, and that English is not very good. I have difficulty in the pronunciation and translation.
    I entered on English course and I studied there for four months, but, I couldn’t continue the course.
    I made English course for four months, but due to lack of time I ended up leaving. I really like the English (although he prefers other languages). In addition to classes in school which makes me closer to the English are the songs I hear.

  42. Hi, i'm Erik Neves. I was not interested in studying English,
    but some people told me that English is very important.

    I started studying English in 5th grade, but I have much difficulty in learning because I had no interest in studying.

    After I started to see that is necessary to know basics of English, so today I have more interest, but I still having much difficulty.

    Today to improve my English, I see films with subtitle and listening to music.
    I still having difficulty, but I know that English is important in my life, I believe that I must study hard to succeed in future

  43. My name is Pedro Henrique, I'm seventeen years and I'm in the third year of high school. I like to study english, because i know that i'll need it in my future, because nowadays English is essential for good performance in many jobs. To improve my english habilities I listen music, read some notices and blogs, watch videos on the web, see some series and movies and do an English course. I prefer to study in small groups, because the discussion of concepts and ideas helps me to complete the task.

  44. My name is Gabriel my opinion it is that English is a lot of important, and I don't take the correct, always a lot I had difficulty with that discipline I think is for that that I don't learn. I don't dedicate any time and I know that am wrong, but I intend to change.to improve my English or to learn I really think will have to do a course. I don't like the discipline because I don't understand and for that I don't study often, only study when he she has proof. I worry a lot about notes and I forget that the objective principal and to learn.my teacher helps but I am a little lazy and from today I will change my English for better.

  45. Hi, I’m Danielle, I'm 17 years old, I study at IFTM and I live in Paracatu. Before, I did not like very of English , but when I started to dedicate more, I started to like. But still I continue with difficulty to learn this language.
    I have been studying much more of what I studied before. Like very of music, but did not hear international musics because I did not understand nothing.
    I started to hear international musics this year frequent, and see that this is a good way To improve my English skills.
    When I have doubts, I look for to study with friends.

  46. I usually practice English only in school, I have difficulty in learning English and understanding the matter, because I never studied in a free course, sometimes I am annoyed because I can not do the activities, the more I will strive to learn, it should not be so difficult ..

  47. My name is Raniel Souza, I'm 16 years old, I don't like English because I have difficulty in English, my English was learned in films and games, I try to learn English through song lyrics and movies, reading subtitles and translations of the songs.
    I have difficulty because of my teachers of the elementary school did not carry the calendar school with rigor. I'm not much studying English because don't like it because my difficulties, but I intend to improve it starting by this text, and activities more funny .

  48. My name is Álisson Xavier. I like to study English because in today's labor market is necessary to know at least one foreign language, and English is the International language. Its study is a necessity. It is important to study English at school because it ends up encouraging its study and thus facilitating their learning, as you must know more than one language today to be inserted in the labor market.

    I have been Studying English since I was 11, but only at school. To improve my skills I practice English. Every day before going to sleep try to memorize some words and rules, since they do not have much ability to learn the English language.

    In addition to the textbook, whenever I study, I try to have a dictionary in hand, to take any questions. Also use Google translator, although not very suitable for the teacher. But with the facilities generated by new technologies, always feel drawn to do things the easiest possible way, so I use Google Translator at times, but have awareness of what is wrong and try to make studying a little every day. Study alone, but sometimes I ask the help of my brothers. Whenever I have the opportunity to study in a group, I choose this option, because as a group learn easier than studying alone.

  49. My name is José Vicente I think English has a great importance to the present day,but there is still a lack of motivation due to the difficulty I have.But now I understand the importance of English although there is still a lack of motivation but what little I know I learned in regular school. Among the strategies I used to study the most used is rarely listen to music and watch subtitled films.

  50. I am Erick, I studied at Affonso Roquette public school before, and I’ve been studying at IFTM, my teacher called by Sheilla. I like study English as other school subjects I don’t want be setting. I study English in the school it is very good, because it is used in life and my course of electronic, sometimes now needed of language but I don’t know beyond of classes I only do the exercises and nothing else.
    Daily, I face with English and one dedicate hours studying for that subject but if I am groups I study more and setter. I Know that my dedication is not enough. I tried to be the most sincere that I could.

  51. Hello! My name is Rony Carlos I’ve had English classes since 5th grade of a regular school, however I didn’t learn almost anything because I almost had no classes and when a teacher was presented she didn’t worry about teaching us.

    Since I started to study at IFTM, I had an improvement because the level the teachers increased, but the lack basic education the language did much difference, independently the as teachers strive the class do not learn much.

    Students can strive themselves, however, English taught in public schools has a low quality. Almost all as I know of English language learned in games and series. I have not worked hard because I have great difficulty.

  52. Yes, because it is important to know another language. It is important to the English in school, because urges us to learn more, and in relation to class, try to absorb as much.
    One of the ways I use to deepen the English is to listen to music, using technology like the Internet.

  53. Sheilla my comment is below, hope you enjoy.

    One day of my routine

    I wake up in the morning at 5:50 am. then I take my shower and brush my teeth. After that I have my breakfast and go to school at 6:25 am.
    I study all day. At 5:00 pm. I get back home. I make my dinner and take my bath soon after.
    I finish my school work and I go to bed around 10:00 pm.
